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¿Sabías que la felicidad de los colaboradores influye en la productividad de las empresas? Es por ello que cada vez más las grandes organizaciones buscan tener colaboradores sanos y felices. En el panel wellness de el 8th Human Virtual Forum exploraremos como potenciar una organización desde el bienestar de sus colaboradores.
Branka Minic is the CEO of Building Talent Foundation (BTF). Prior to her executive role at BTF, she was the president of Future Work Consulting, advising donors, global corporations, governments and international NGO’s on the latest research, best practices and policies for addressing youth unemployment. Her clients included the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, Making Cents International, USAID, Global Center for Youth Employment, Accenture, and many others. Branka has spent her career as an expert in the staffing industry. Prior to Future Work Consulting, she was Senior Director of Global Corporate and Government Affairs at ManpowerGroup, the world leading organization in innovative workforce solutions, for 17 years. In this role she was in charge of building cross-sector partnerships to support training, employment and entrepreneurship for disadvantaged groups. She also developed and managed strategic relationships, public private partnerships and joint initiatives with business, public, and non-profit organizations in developed, developing and emerging markets. She was also a Member of ManpowerGroup’s Global Leadership Team. Branka’s research deals with best practices to reduce youth unemployment, and specifically the protocols for implementing successful workplace mentoring and apprenticeship programs. She has extensive experience in labor market and skill gap analysis. In collaboration with Making Cents International, Branka led the research and authored the “Demand-Driven Framework and Toolkit”, compiling the international best practices on aligning education and training systems with employers’ skill needs. Branka holds a MSEE degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Belgrade, Serbia and a MSCSE degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Miami, Florida.
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